5 Tips to Make Your Next Commercial a Success

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Commercials are a big part of a brand’s success. A good commercial can cement your company in a customer’s mind. The best commercials also get shared with a friend, thus increasing the reach of your message. 

In today’s multi-media landscape, it is crucial to create a commercial that will reach people no matter the medium. Whether online, on the television, or in another venue, your commercial needs to strike a chord to ensure success. 

Below you will find our top five tips for making your next commercial a success.   

1. Make Sure Your Brand Message is Clear.
Brand messaging is essential. Your commercial should include your brand’s name and logo as a matter of course. But, more than that, the commercial should convey your brand’s personality. Use the commercial to explain who you are and what your brand stands for.

2. Know Your Audience.
Another part of a great commercial is understanding your audience. Who are you trying to reach with your commercial? What is their age range, gender, likes, dislikes, etc? Once you have this information, tailor your commercial to your ideal audience. 

For example, if you are in the baby food market, you will want to create a commercial tailored to parents of small children. Knowing your audience can help you tailor your commercial to that market segment.

3. Keep Things Simple.
Most people do not like being pitched to. In this age of access to quick, instantaneous information, they also do not want to follow a convoluted commercial. That is why simple commercials are preferred over complicated ones. 

Most commercials are only thirty seconds to a minute long. You need to use this time to connect with your audience, not tell a complicated story. By keeping the commercial’s storyline and concept short, you will be better able to connect with your viewer and prompt them into action.

4. Find a Good Story.
Just as a simple commercial is best, so is one with a good story. Connecting with your audience on an emotional level is the key. A good story is an ideal way to do this. 

Not all stories have to be over-the-top or dramatic, however. A good character or theme is the first step. Once you have those components, then you need to storyboard the commercial. Remember the story should illustrate to the viewer why their life would be better with your product.

5. Find the Right Agency.
Clearly, there is a lot of thought and planning that goes into creating a successful commercial. You also need a certain amount of expertise. The best way to ensure your next commercial is a success is to hire experts. They can help you create a commercial that has a good story, is simple, speaks to your target audience, and builds your brand. 

A professional production team, like those at NEXTV, is crucial to the commercial-making process. With years of experience, an extensive portfolio, and multiple awards, we have the know-how to make your commercial an immediate success. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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